I. Overview


Mawuli Diagnostic & Treatment Centre (MDTC) is a duly registered private enterprise strategically formed to empower healthcare delivery, assuring patients that diagnostic and therapeutic tools will be made available to them for the first time in Ghana and the West Africa sub-region, improving their health and saving the lives of millions of people.

It was duly registered on 11th February 2015 at the Registrar-General's Department in Accra with the registration number BN910372015. In the future, as part of our vision, we will have sister companies registered in other countries of the region.

With your collaboration, we seek to provide quality healthcare that will make a difference by improving the health of the people of Ghana and Africa at large.

This proposal seeks to achieve extraordinary improvements in human health by providing a central diagnostic centre in Accra where Ghana and the West Africa sub-region can send their samples/patients for diagnosis and/or therapeutics. We shall also operate in strategic locations in all the regional capitals and densely populated cities of Ghana, where patients can access these diagnostic and therapeutic tools. We are also proposing a partnership with the government to establish/refurbish the existing facilities on their premises all over the country, collaborating in the Clinical Laboratory, Pathology, Telemetry, Cardiovascular, Gastroenterology, Genetic, Neurophysiologic, Pulmonary, Allergy, Surgical, and Imaging Diagnostic and Treatment Centres, so that patients do not find themselves crisscrossing town in search of those infrequently needed tests and treatments, and many times having their samples sent abroad or they themselves going abroad because those tools are either broken in the government facilities or non-existent in our country. A percentage of the profit goes to the government facility in which we operate, and this will help strengthen its auto-sustainability.

As the experience becomes successful in Ghana, we will extend our tentacles to disseminate to the entire continent of Africa where, except for South Africa, healthcare delivery, including diagnostic tests, operates at the lowest levels in the world. The payment capacity of individuals in most African countries is on the increase as most economies develop to enter the lower middle-class range. African economies are among the fastest growing in the world. Today, the continent is poised to transform the global economic landscape. Annual growth is expected to average 7% over the next 20 years.

We are proposing your organisation to have a joint venture with us to help solve the deficiencies in the area of diagnostics in healthcare delivery not only in Ghana but also in Africa as a whole.

2. General Principles

A. Responsibility, Service, and Public Mindedness

Sustainable progress, peace, and justice require that all organisations contribute to the common good. Thus, Mawuli Diagnostic & Treatment Centre (MDTC) should integrate self-development and service to others, balancing individual and public concerns, focusing on higher, broader, and more public levels of service.

1. Responsibly maintaining itself, MDTC should conduct its activities for the sake of others, whether for the public at large or a particular segment of the public.

2. It shall have its corporate social responsibility of healthcare delivery, including outreaches to the community and charitable donations to non-profit organisations.

3. MDTC will recognise that its conduct and activities impact the public’s perception of private hospitals and that it shares responsibility for the public’s trust in private hospitals.

4. MDTC will exhibit a responsible and caring attitude towards the environment in all of its activities.

B. Cooperations

Significant progress towards world peace and global well-being can be fostered through inter-religious, intercultural, and interracial work, and across artificial barriers of politics and ethnicity that tend to separate people and their institutions. MDTC will maintain ethical, cooperative relationships with other for-profit organisations and NGOs (non-governmental organisations), and should partner where possible and appropriate for the sake of the greater public good. MDTC will be willing to work beyond the borders of politics, religion, culture, race, and ethnicity, within the limits of the organising documents and with organisations and individuals that share common values and objectives.

C. Human Rights

As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience, and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1). The family is the fundamental natural group unit of society promoting human rights and human dignity. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16):

1. MDTC will not violate any person’s fundamental human rights, with which each person is endowed.

2. MDTC ascertains that all people are born free and equal in dignity.

3. MDTC will be sensitive to the moral values, religion, customs, traditions, and culture of the communities it will serve.

4. MDTC will respect the integrity of families and support family-based life.

D. Religious Freedom

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change their religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest their religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18).

MDTC will respect religious freedom.

E. Transparencies

MDTC will strive for openness and honesty internally and towards shareholders and members of the public.

1. MDTC will be transparent in all of its dealings with the government, the public, shareholders, partners, beneficiaries, and other interested parties, except for personal matters and proprietary information.

2. MDTC will be accountable for its actions and decisions, not only to its funding agencies and the government, but also to the people it serves, its staff and members, partner organisations, and the public at large.

F. Truthfulness

MDTC will be honest and truthful in its dealings with its shareholders, project beneficiaries, staff, membership, partner organisations, government, and the public in general, and will respect the laws of any jurisdiction in which it exists.

1. MDTC will provide accurate information, whether regarding itself and its projects, or regarding any individual, organisation, project, or legislation it opposes or is discussing.

2. MDTC will fulfil its obligations under the laws of the nation in which it exists, and must be strongly opposed to, and not be a willing partner to, corruption, bribery, and other financial improprieties or illegalities.

3. MDTC will have a policy for staff and volunteers to confidentially bring evidence to the governing body of misconduct by anyone associated with the organisation.

4. MDTC will meet all of the legal obligations in the countries in which it exists. Such obligations may include laws of incorporation, equal employment opportunity principles, health and safety standards, privacy rules, trademark and copyright legislation, etc.

5. MDTC will take prompt corrective action whenever wrongdoing is discovered among its staff, governing body, volunteers, contractors, and partners.


1. FORMAL STATEMENT. Our mission statement is to be determined by the Board of Directors.

2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Each member of the Board of Directors shall fully understand and support the mission of the organisation.

3. PUBLIC AVAILABILITY. The mission statement of the MDTC shall be made available to all officers, members, staff, partners, donors, programme beneficiaries, and the public in general.

4. EVALUATION. The mission of the MDTC shall be reviewed periodically (every two or three years) to determine if it is still relevant. Among issues to evaluate:

a) Whether the mission has been fulfilled, either by the organisation or another entity, and thus whether there is a need for the organisation as currently constituted to continue to exist.

b) Whether the mission should be revised to reflect societal changes.

c) Whether there is a desire for the organisation to address new needs which might require a new mission statement.


1. CONSISTENT WITH MISSION. Activities shall be consistent with the organisation’s mission. MDTC’s mission is to serve as the foundation for strategic planning and as the blueprint for the organisation’s activities. MDTC’s focus shall be directed towards ensuring that its goals are met.

2. EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT. The programmes of the organisation shall effectively and efficiently work towards achieving its stated mission.

3. FEEDBACK. The organisation shall regularly seek feedback on its activities from project beneficiaries, as well as other stakeholders.

4. EVALUATION. The activities of the organisation shall be critically examined periodically to determine their relevance to the mission, their efficiency and effectiveness, the value of continuing the programmes or revising them, and the need for new programmes.

Among issues to evaluate are:

i. whether the activities are consistent with the current mission of the organisation or whether they need to be revised or discontinued in light of changes in the mission

ii. the efficiency and effectiveness of the programmes in achieving MDTC’s objectives

iii. the outcomes for the programme beneficiaries

iv. the cost of the programme relative to its outcomes

v. whether new services should be offered. Evaluations shall be open and honest and include input from stakeholders.

5. PROFESSIONALISM. The organisation shall carry out its activities with professionalism and centred on the concept of serving others.

6. PERCENTAGE OF EXPENDITURES. The organisation shall spend at least 65% of its total expenditures (including fundraising costs) on programme activities, and ideally more than 80%. If the organisation does not meet this 65% standard, it should provide reasons why its higher overhead and fundraising expenditures are reasonable. Possible explanations for not meeting this standard could be the higher administrative and fundraising costs of a new organisation and exceptions related to donor restrictions or unusual political and social factors.

Our Mission

We are strategically formed to empower healthcare delivery, assuring patients that diagnostic and therapeutic tools will be made available to them for the first time in Ghana, the West Africa sub-region, and Africa at large, improving their health and saving the lives of millions of people.

To support the global health movement by effectively addressing global and regional issues through our advocacy work, collecting and providing information and knowledge on medical science and good health, and through innovative services and tools that help in curbing poor health. We offer information on healthcare or referral information for health-related issues.

Our Vision

Extend healthcare to expand happiness: A world in which individuals, politicians, civil society groups, and the daily lives of people are freed from diseases.

We shall provide a central diagnostic centre in Accra where Ghana and the West Africa sub-region can send their samples/patients for diagnosis and/or therapeutics. As the experience becomes successful in Ghana, we will extend our reach to disseminate our services across the entire continent of Africa.

Our Values
We are grounded on the values of I CARE.
•    Integrity
•    Compassion
•    Accountability
•    Respect
•    Excellence

- Improve the delivery of diagnostic services in Ghana, the West Africa sub-region, and Africa at large.

- Establish a central diagnostic and treatment centre in Ghana, where the West Africa sub-region and the entire continent can send their samples/patients for diagnosis and/or therapeutics.

- Provide these services on-site where numerous general practice and specialist physicians are located, or near/in government facilities that require these services, making the results faster and more convenient.

- Ensure that patients have access to diagnostic and/or therapeutic services and personnel that are currently unavailable in Ghana.

Your health, our passion.
Guiding Philosophy

The philosophy of Mawuli Diagnostic & Treatment Centre is based on the reality that every human being is a unique individual and that we all have a right to good health and should have access to means for a comfortable life in one way or another.

Guiding Principles

At the Mawuli Diagnostic & Treatment Centre, we are committed to respecting the following principles:

1. As coalition builders, we will work co-operatively with all individuals and groups, with/for profit and not-for-profit corporations and organisations, and with governments and international bodies committed to the fight to extend health to the needy, subject only to the policies and priorities set by our governing bodies.

2. We undertake to be open, honest, and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with and with each other. We endeavour to perform our duties honestly, faithfully, and efficiently, respecting the rights of National Branches and of our colleagues.

3. We will be politically non-partisan and non-sectarian in our work.

4. We will treat and cure vigorously and courageously wherever sickness has been reliably identified.

5. The decisions we take will be based on sound, objective, and professional analysis and high standards of medical research.

6. We will only accept funding that does not compromise our ability to address issues freely, thoroughly, and objectively.

7. We will provide accurate and timely reports of our activities to our stakeholders.

8. We will respect and encourage respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.

9. We are committed to building, working with, and working through national branches worldwide.

10. In our operations and recruitment policies, we will strive to create equal opportunities for all, and achieve balanced and diverse representation with respect to gender and religion, as the diversity of the movement we serve requires.

3. Board of Directors

MDTC seeks individuals to serve as Directors who are active in our communities. Many of these individuals are business and civic leaders who hold executive positions or have other relationships with companies or non-profit organisations in Ghana and beyond.

A. Officers of the Board
1)    Chairperson
2)    Senior Chair
3)    CEO (Executive Director)
4)    Vice Chair
5)    Secretary
6)    Asst. Secretary
7)    Treasurer
8)    Asst. Treasurer
B. Members of the Board

The number of members will be determined by the board according to the growth of MDTC and the new/future necessities of service. Officers of the Board of Directors must be at least 18 years old. This governing body is authorised to conduct the affairs of the organisation between meetings of the Board of Directors. It is to meet as frequently as is necessary to fully and adequately conduct the business of the organisation. At a minimum, there should be at least 4 meetings annually.

Voting at the Officers of the Board of Directors meetings shall be by show of hands on a majority basis. If there is a tied vote, then the chairperson shall have a second vote. The board has the power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary, and these sub-groups and working parties shall be accountable to the committee.

MINUTES: Minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors and its executive committee are to be produced, distributed to each member of the governing board, and archived for future reference. The minutes are also to be available to the organisation’s shareholders and officers, with the exception of discussions related to personnel evaluation and other such confidential information.

C. Committees
The Committees of the Board of Directors generally meet eight times per year, including an annual meeting during which Officers are elected and Board Committee members are appointed. The Board of Directors shall have the following Committees:
1.    Audit Committee
2.    Compensation Committee
3.    Conflict of Interest and Managing Innovations Committee
4.    Development Committee
5.    Finance Committee
6.    Governance Committee
7.    Government and Community Relations Committee
8.    Research and Education Committee
9.    Safety, Quality and Patient Experience Committee
D. Principal Responsibility

The Board of Directors is crucial to MDTC and is responsible for many specific tasks. The board’s main task is to govern and oversee the operations of the organisation through acting as fiduciary. In other words, the board is legally, financially, and morally responsible for the organisation. Each individual member of the board is significant and holds many responsibilities that help contribute to their work on the board as a whole. The ten main tasks listed below outline crucial responsibilities of the board as a whole, focusing on how each individual member can effectively contribute to these tasks.

1. Strategic Planning: The board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the facility. This includes long-term planning and setting goals and objectives.

2. Financial Oversight: The board oversees the financial health of the facility. They review and approve budgets, ensure the proper management of financial resources, and set financial policies.

3. Quality Assurance: The board ensures that the facility provides high-quality care. They establish quality standards, monitor performance against these standards, and implement improvements when necessary.

4. Risk Management: The board identifies and manages potential risks to the facility. This includes legal, financial, and operational risks.

5. Governance: The board sets the governance structure of the facility, including the roles and responsibilities of senior management.

6. Compliance: The board ensures that the facility complies with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes healthcare regulations, labour laws, and financial reporting requirements.

7. Community Relations: The board represents the facility to the community. They build relationships with community leaders, patients, and other stakeholders.

8. CEO Selection and Evaluation: The board hires and evaluates the performance of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). They set the CEO's compensation and ensure that the CEO is effectively leading the facility.

9. Policy Development: The board develops policies that guide the operation of the facility. This includes policies on patient care, employee conduct, and ethical behaviour.

10. Fundraising: In some cases, the board may also be involved in fundraising efforts for the facility.

E. Mission & Purpose

A Board of Directors as a whole is responsible for creating and defining the mission of an organisation. This is usually done in the form of a mission statement. This statement includes:

1. The purpose of MDTC

2. The core values of MDTC

3. What MDTC seeks to accomplish.

The mission statement is not set in stone. The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing it regularly in order to assess whether any revisions are necessary. One way of assessing whether this is necessary is to look at the programmes and activities, and to make sure the organisation has not drifted from its purpose.

The board member is individually responsible for:

- Knowing and understanding an organisation’s purpose and mission statement

- Being able to explain what MDTC does and what population it targets

- Being able to provide people with general information about MDTC’s programmes and activities

- Explaining your personal reasons for being a part of the board and what your individual goals are.

F. Hire & work with CEO

The responsibility that the board has in choosing and hiring a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is significant because he/she is essentially handling and managing the entire organisation. Before selecting an executive officer, the Board of Directors must thoroughly review the mission and purpose of the organisation and then agree on their expectations. They must agree on what kind of person they are looking for and what kind of person would positively contribute to MDTC.

In talking to and interviewing candidates, the board must:

- Be clear about the job description and what the job essentials are

- List both general and specific responsibilities

- Look for desirable personal attributes, strong communication skills, and efficient management and organisational characteristics

- Be honest about any problems MDTC is currently experiencing.

Lastly, the board is responsible for understanding what their tasks are and how they differ from those of the executive director. For example, they must be aware that their primary responsibility is the governance of MDTC, while the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for management and hiring all other staff. However, just as the Chief Executive Officer is expected to support the board, the board must work well with and support the Chief Executive Officer in his/her decisions.

The board member is individually responsible for:

- Counselling (when necessary) and supporting the Chief Executive Officer

- Consulting the executive director and keeping him/her updated on your tasks and activities

- Working collectively with the board to appropriately evaluate the work of the executive director

- Advising the Chief Executive Officer about the advantages of partnerships if you are knowledgeable about and/or part of another organisation.

G. Financial Oversight

The board is unanimously responsible for the careful and prudent use of money within the organisation. In order to meet this responsibility, the board should determine what the financial policies are. Most importantly, the board should help develop and approve the annual budget. This is a significant responsibility because approving the budget has a domino effect on all other priorities within the organisation. It is important that the approval is done by no one else—not even the executive or finance committee.

In overseeing the budget, board members should receive financial and accounting balance sheets and reports. This ensures that everybody is up to date on the financial situation and changes can be made if necessary. Lastly, board members as a whole should be insistent upon an annual audit. However, the board members should not perform the audit, but should regularly meet with an independent auditor who should be assessing the financial situation.

H. Responsibilities

- Maintaining confidentiality of the board’s meetings and financial-related issues

- Never accepting or offering bribes or favours with anyone who is associated business-wise with the organisation

- Being cautious and careful with any controlling and transferring of funds

- Ensuring he understands and is up to date with MDTC’s financial statements and situation

- Fulfilling his role as a fiduciary

- Planning lunches and events to provide financial contacts for MDTC

- Suggesting nominees to the board who are accomplished men or women you may know from the community

- Conveying enthusiasm about MDTC to the community

- Speaking to the community, friends, and other personal contacts about MDTC

- Providing publicity for MDTC at events and galas

The role of the Board of Directors of MDTC focuses on the board responsibilities as a whole. The previous ten points attempt to shed some light on the role of the individual and how important he or she is in contributing to the overall make-up of the board. Most importantly, individual members must perform their jobs competently and efficiently while being able to work well with other board members and establishing a healthy and responsible working relationship with them.

I. Adequate Resources
The board of directors is responsible for:
•    Ensuring that MDTC has enough human and financial resources to serve its mission and purpose.
J. Communication

The Board of Directors is responsible for acting as the voice of MDTC. They are responsible for articulating the goals, mission, and purpose of the organisation in order to promote it and help the community understand what they do. They must ensure that they collectively listen to the needs of the community and make any necessary changes that will enable them to serve the community to the highest potential. Board members are also responsible for making sure MDTC can support outreach to the community through a significant and successful public relations strategy. Along with this, they should help in developing strategies for community outreach.

K. Annual Meeting

a) The Board of Directors of MDTC shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at intervals of no more than 15 months.

b) Where possible, members shall be notified personally; otherwise, notice will be deemed served by advertising the meetings in at least five public places, giving at least seven clear days’ notice of the AGM.

c) If face-to-face meetings are not required by local or national law and the organising documents, then communication technologies can aid in conducting frequent meetings.

d) The business of the AGM shall include:

- Receiving a report from the Chairperson on the group’s activities over the year.

- Receiving a report and presentation of the last financial year’s accounts from the Treasurer on the finances of the group.

- Electing a new Committee and considering any other matters as may be appropriate at such a meeting.

e) The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be at least 50%, with virtual communication allowed to ensure the participation of the majority of the board members.

L. Responsibilities

The Board of Directors will be responsible for its own conduct. This governing body is to establish written expectations for board members (including expectations related to service on committees, attendance at meetings, and programme activities), and annually evaluate its own performance. The governing body is to establish job descriptions for its officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.).

M.  Global Ambassadors

MDTC invites celebrities with a demonstrated interest in its health and humanity mission to use their fame to draw attention to MDTC’s vision in order to attract patients and investors. This may take the form of public advocacies, visits to branches, drawing media attention, and using their political access to promote MDTC causes.

These efforts also include members of the governing body, but are not limited to them. Members of the governing body shall serve as ambassadors for the organisation, articulating its mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public, and garnering support for the organisation.

N. Management Committee
1.    Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wonder International Hospitals
2.    Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
3.    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
4.    Chief Human Resources Officer
5.    Chief of Facilities Development & Engineering
6.    Chief of Policy Development and Strategy
7.    Chief of Monitoring and Evaluations
8.    Chief of International Relations
9.    Chief of Security
10.    Chief of Information Technology
4. Practical Guidelines

The Practical Guidelines for MDTC shall be developed for MDTC (including Directors, Staff, as well as Senior Advisors) regardless of their location. Those working with MDTC as volunteers or as paid consultants are expected to observe the spirit of this Code.

4.1. Chapter Relations

• We will consult actively with our National Chapters in the development and implementation of policies and activities that have an impact on them.

• We will endeavour to respond to all requests from our National Chapters fairly and expeditiously.

4.2. Staff Relations

• We will treat each other and those with whom we work with respect and consideration, being sensitive to our diversity, in terms of cultural background, gender, region, religion, disability, family status, sexual orientation, etc.

• We will communicate and consult with each other openly and collegially and in a manner that assists each of us to fulfil our duties and responsibilities faithfully and efficiently.

• We will respect the privacy and private lives of our colleagues when dealing with personal information.

• We undertake to ensure adequate consultation with any staff member before making any decision, which may impact upon that staff member.

4.3. MDTC Integrity
A. Private
  1. PRIVATE: The MDTC is to be organised and operated as a private entity.
  2. TRADE OR BUSINESS: The organisation is not to be operated for the primary purpose of carrying on a trade or business unrelated to its mission and stated objectives.
  3. GOVERNING INSTRUMENT: The MDTC’s governing instrument shall prevent the organisation from distributing profits or assets for the benefit of individuals both during operation and when winding up.
B. Non-Governmental

1. **NON-GOVERNMENTAL**: The organisation is not to be part of, or controlled by, government or an intergovernmental agency.

2. **POLITICALLY INDEPENDENT**: The organisation shall maintain independence and not be rigidly aligned or affiliated with any political party, although it may share a common political or legislative cause within the limits of its mission, stated objectives, and legal structure. By itself, being non-governmental does not mean that MDTC is prohibited from political activity. However, if MDTC is permitted to engage in political and legislative activity, it shall only do so within the limits of its mission and stated objectives.

C. Organised
  1. ORGANISING FEATURES: The MDTC shall have an organising document, a governing board, officers, and regular meetings and activities.
  2. ORGANISING DOCUMENTS: The organising documents (such as bylaws, a written constitution, or memorandum of association) shall clearly define the mission, objectives, governance structure, shareholders' rights and obligations, if any, and rules of procedure.
  3. LEGAL RECOGNITION: These organising principles apply whether or not the MDTC is legally recognised by any government.
D. Self-Governing

1. INDEPENDENT: The organisation shall be independent. Its policies, vision, and activities shall not be determined by any for-profit corporation, government, government official, political party, or other agencies.

2. SELF-GOVERNING: The organisation shall govern itself autonomously, according to whatever governance structure it selects for itself. It shall be equipped to control its own activities.

E. Voluntary

1. VOLUNTEERISM OF GOVERNING BOARD: Those who are part of the MDTC’s governing body (generally the board of directors) are to serve in a voluntary capacity, for no pay.

4.3.1. Conflicts of Interest

In our work, conflict may arise between our personal interests and the interests of MDTC, National Chapters, or other stakeholders. We will disclose such conflicts and resolve them in a transparent manner, in the interest of MDTC. The following paragraph is based on the general policy set out in the MDTC Conflict of Interest Policy and spells out in detail the obligations of MDTC employees in regard to this policy.

4.3.2. Staff Recruitment

Appointments to all positions will be made on merit, regardless of gender, region, religion, disability, family status, sexual orientation, etc. We are committed to open, fair, and transparent appointment, recruitment, hiring, and procurement procedures and practices. Family members, friends, and organisations with which we or our families or friends are associated will not be accorded preferential treatment. If hiring or contracting members of the immediate families of MDTC staff or the Board of Directors, that is a partner, parent, child, or sibling, we will follow carefully the guidelines set out in the recruitment policy to ensure non-preferential treatment. To manage potential conflicts of interest, we will disclose such connections with potential applicants or candidates of whom we are aware. We will recuse ourselves from any recruitment or contracting process where we have a conflict of interest. We will ask shortlisted candidates to declare such relations at MDTC or with the Board of Directors. We will not allow situations in which close family relatives or partners are in a direct reporting relationship to one another.

4.3.3 Good Governance

We require integrity and fair practices in all aspects of our activities, and we expect the same standards from those with whom we have relationships. We do not tolerate corruption and prohibit bribery in any form, whether direct or indirect. This includes facilitation payments, which are bribes and must not be made.

A. Governance Structure
  1. PLAN OF GOVERNANCE: The MDTC shall establish a plan of governance that best allows it to fulfil its mission and reflects the core values and cultural standards of the organisation. Democratic principles are to be used where appropriate and applicable.
  2. ORGANISING DOCUMENTS: The organisation’s governance structure - including rules relating to the conducting of business by the governing body and, if applicable, an executive committee that acts between board meetings, and the procedure for electing and appointing officers and their roles - is to be clearly specified in the organising documents (bylaws, etc.) and available to all interested parties.


B. Governing Body

1. DIRECTORS' RESOURCES: The MDTC’s governing body shall consist of individuals who are dedicated to the mission of the organisation, willing to volunteer their time and energies towards the achievement of the mission, and able to offer substantial contributions to the organisation. Among the resources they may bring to the governing body are experience and wisdom, prestige, the ability to raise money for the organisation, and professional skills, such as legal, accounting, management, and marketing.

2. UNRELATED DIRECTORS: The governing body is to have at least three members who are not closely family-related, and preferably should have at least five unrelated members. Family relationships are accepted between two members at most, but then the board should have seven or more members.

3. POLICIES ON PAID STAFF: The organisation shall have a policy restricting the number of paid staff who are voting members of the governing body, ideally to no more than one person or 10% of the governing body. An indirectly or directly compensated person should not serve as the governing body’s chairman or treasurer.

4. TERM LIMITS: Term limits are to be established for membership on the governing body. Consideration should be given to both the maximum number of years that can be served in an individual term and the number of consecutive terms allowed. It is generally preferable to limit board service to a maximum of three-year terms and three consecutive terms, with at least one year required before a member becomes eligible for re-election after completing the maximum number of consecutive terms.

5. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The procedure for nominating members to serve on the governing body shall be known to members and other relevant parties.

6. DIVERSITY: The governing body should have broad representation, reflecting the diversity of the MDTC’s constituencies. The MDTC may enhance the participation of members from diverse geographical distances if the organisation’s bylaws, and the local or national law, allow meetings via such technologies as teleconferencing.

7. BYLAWS: Each member of the governing body is to be presented with the bylaws of the organisation and be familiar with these bylaws.

8. COMPENSATION: Members of the governing body are not to receive compensation for their board service. They may receive reimbursement for expenses directly related to their board duties.

C. Responsibilities

1. MISSION STATEMENT. The governing body shall establish the direction of the MDTC by creating or adopting the mission statement, reviewing it periodically for accuracy and validity, and revising it as necessary or desirable.

2. PROGRAMS AND COMPLIANCE. The governing body shall determine the MDTC’s programmes and services, and monitor their compliance with the mission and their effectiveness and efficiency.

3. RESOURCES. The governing body shall ensure the organisation has the proper resources to fulfil the mission.

4. ANNUAL BUDGET. The governing board shall approve the annual budget and actively participate in the process.

5. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. The governing body shall manage the resources effectively and provide oversight regarding fiduciary and legal requirements.

6. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER HIRING AND EVALUATION. The governing body shall hire the chief executive officer, undertaking a careful search process to find the most qualified individual. The governing body also shall set the chief executive officer’s compensation, ensure that he or she has the moral and professional support needed to advance the goals of the MDTC, and periodically evaluate his or her performance.

7. STRATEGIC PLANNING. The governing body shall actively participate with the staff in long-term and short-term strategic planning processes, including defining goals and objectives and the success of the MDTC towards achieving its mission.

8. CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT. The governing board shall approve a code of ethics and/or conduct for the MDTC, and ensure that the organisation is in compliance with this code.

9. AMBASSADORS FOR THE MDTC. These include but are not limited to members of the governing board who shall serve as ambassadors for the organisation, articulating its mission, accomplishments and goals to the public, and garnering support for the organisation.

D. Conflict of Interest

1. BEST INTERESTS OF THE MDTC. In serving on the governing body, directors shall put organisational goals before personal goals, and put the best interests of the organisation ahead of individual desires.

2. MATTERS IMPACTING A DIRECTOR. No director shall participate in deciding a matter directly impacting that individual (such as re-election to the governing body, personal remuneration, etc.)

3. DISCLOSURE. Each director shall disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest, including each institutional affiliation he or she has that might possibly involve a conflict of interest (such as sitting on a board of another private health institution with overlapping goals and missions). Such disclosure does not preclude or imply ethical impropriety.

4. WRITTEN CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY. The governing body shall develop a written conflict of interest policy, which is applicable to the directors and to any staff and volunteers who have significant decision-making authority regarding the organisation’s activities or resources, as well as relevant organisational partners.

5. SIGNATURE. The governing body shall provide its members with the written conflict of interest statement, which should be signed by the individual at the outset of each term of service.

6. LOANS TO MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY. If MDTC has provision for making loans to members of the governing body, there shall be a policy describing how the loans operate. All loans or transactions with members of the governing body are to be included in the MDTC’s full financial reports.

4.3.4. Gifts

There are a variety of customs concerning the giving and receiving of gifts in different cultures. As the acceptance of a gift may appear to create an obligation, we will avoid giving or accepting gifts, favours, and gratuities in connection with official duties as required by the following policies:

- We will not accept directly or indirectly any discount, gift, entertainment, or favours (referred to as gifts) that may influence or be perceived to influence the exercise of our function, the performance of our duties, or our judgment.

- All gifts between the value of $20 and $100 will be registered as provided in the next paragraph, and all gifts with a value of $100 or more will be refused.

- Registration Process: All gifts will be reported to the supervising officer and recorded on a document managed by the Ethics Advisory Committee and that is available to all MDTC staff.

4.3.5. Travel

• Official travel undertaken by us will be directly related to the work of the Secretariat and will be undertaken only when necessary. Only economical and bona fide travel expenses will be reimbursed. Only economy airfare will be paid unless otherwise decided by the Managing Director in accordance with guidelines set by the Board.

• We will ensure that MDTC resources are used effectively. Assets under our control will be used for no purpose other than for the advancement of MDTC’s objectives.

• When private travel is added onto MDTC-related travel, we will notify our supervisor before the trip and will meet any extra costs that this may entail.

4.3.6. Private Activities

• We will not engage in any activity or transactions or acquire any position or function, whether paid or unpaid, that is incompatible with or detracts from the proper performance of our duties, and that may bring MDTC as a whole into disrepute.

• We will so arrange our private affairs as not to engage in any activity that might impair the credibility of MDTC by giving the impression that MDTC is fostering individuals, public or private institutions whose behaviour is perceived as not being in accordance with MDTC’s values.

• We will not use MDTC business relationships to solicit or obtain favours or improper benefits in private life.

• We will not allow our political affiliations and/or activities to unduly influence or interfere with the political neutrality that is the hallmark of the MDTC.

These guidelines are designed to ensure that all employees maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, both in their professional and personal lives. By adhering to these principles, we can help preserve the trust and respect that MDTC has earned over the years. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of these points, please feel free to ask!

4.3.7. Remuneration

Where we receive any remuneration for public speaking, writing for a publication, or a media appearance, and MDTC organizational information is involved or the appearance is a result of the individual’s employment or association with MDTC, then the remuneration will be paid directly to MDTC. However, the Managing Director may decide to forward such honorarium, partly or entirely, to the respective staff member. This ensures that any benefits derived from the use of MDTC's name or resources are appropriately managed and that there is transparency in how such funds are handled. This policy helps maintain the integrity and reputation of MDTC by ensuring that personal gain does not conflict with organizational interests.

4.3.8. Post-Employment

We will not allow our actions and decisions in the course of our work to be improperly influenced by the prospect of future employment with others. This ensures that our commitment to MDTC's values and objectives remains uncompromised and that our professional integrity is maintained at all times.

4.3.9. Transparencies

• We will be as open as possible about all decisions and actions we take, taking into account the need for confidentiality in some situations.

• We will treat information obtained in the service of MDTC with confidentiality, when its nature calls for it or when this is explicitly requested, and will not use any such information or materials to further a private interest. This obligation continues after the staff’s separation from MDTC.

These guidelines emphasize the importance of transparency and confidentiality within the organization. By being open about decisions and actions, MDTC aims to foster a culture of trust and accountability. At the same time, the confidentiality clause ensures that sensitive information is protected, both during and after an individual's tenure with MDTC. This balance helps maintain the integrity and credibility of the organization.

4.4. A. Financing

A. Financing

1. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Members of the governing body hold ultimate fiscal responsibility for their organisation and are to understand the organisation’s financial statements and reporting requirements.

2. ANNUAL BUDGET. The organisation’s annual budget is to be approved by the governing body and is to outline projected expenses for programme activities and administration. The MDTC is to operate in accordance with that budget.

3. INTERNAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Internal financial statements shall be prepared regularly and provided to the governing body. Any and all significant variations between budgeted expenses and actual expenditures, and between budgeted revenues and actual revenues, are to be identified and explained to the governing body.

4. FINANCIAL POLICIES. The MDTC shall have established financial policies, suitable for the size of the organisation, regarding the receiving and disbursement of financial resources, investment of assets, purchasing practices, internal control procedures (such as policies for signing cheques), and so forth.

5. INTERNAL CONTROL PROCEDURES. The organisation’s internal control procedures shall have a safeguard against a person having the power to issue a cheque to himself or herself, such as requiring an additional signature. The organisation’s internal control procedures shall have a safeguard against one person being able to issue a cheque over a certain amount (such as two signatures being needed over $5,000) and shall have restrictions on cheques made out to cash.

6. AUDIT. If the organisation has substantial annual revenue, the accuracy of the financial reports shall be subject to audit by an independent, qualified accountant. MDTCs with small gross incomes shall have a review by a qualified accountant.

7. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS. The organisation shall adhere to professional standards of accountancy and audit procedures as stipulated by the law in its nation, and fulfil all financial and reporting requirements.

B. Legal Compliance

1. LAWS AND REGULATIONS. The organisation’s activities, governance, and other matters shall conform to the laws and regulations of its nation and locality. (MDTC may seek to change those laws and regulations if such activity is consistent with its mission.)

2. ATTORNEY REVIEW. The organisation shall obtain attorney review of the organising documents of the MDTC to ensure that they are in compliance with existing laws and regulations, and shall make recourse to attorney services as appropriate to ensure continued legal compliance.

3. LIABILITY INSURANCE. The organisation should consider having liability insurance, if available and applicable.

4. INTERNAL REVIEW. The organisation periodically shall conduct an internal review regarding compliance of the organisation with current laws and regulations, and summaries of this review should be presented to members of the governing body.

4.5. The Environment
We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of MDTC, within all our operations and conduct. We will strive to integrate and apply environmental values into our decision-making processes and in our relationships with external partners and the movement.
II. Implementation

1. Getting familiar with the Code

I. MDTC management will actively encourage an internal dialogue on ethics, provide guidance for staff, and ensure that internal systems, policies, and procedures are consistent with this Code.

II. Copies of the Code will be provided to each staff member and published on our website.

III. The Code will be annexed to all contracts of employment and signed along with them.

IV. There will be an annual review of compliance with the Code and an evaluation of its impact on the culture of integrity at the Secretariat. The review will be conducted by the Ethics Advisory Committee, together with the MDTC Ethics Council.

V. Periodic meetings with all MDTC staff members will provide a forum for discussion and review of the impact of the Code.

2. Raising an Issue

Any concerns about the interpretation, application, or suspected violation of the Code that staff or other stakeholders are not comfortable raising directly with the staff concerned should be brought to the attention of the Ethics Advisory Committee (see below). If the issue cannot be resolved between the complainant and the Ethics Advisory Committee, then the matter may be brought to the attention of the MDTC Ethics Council. If it is felt inappropriate to raise the issue with the Ethics Advisory Committee first, the matter may be brought directly to the attention of the MDTC Ethics Council.

1. Concerns may be raised in person or by email through established secure and confidential mechanisms.

2. No one shall be discriminated against, disciplined, or reprimanded for reporting concerns or requesting guidance concerning the MDTC Code of Conduct, whether or not the concerns are established as valid or substantiated.

3. Advisory Committee

The Ethics Advisory Committee, which is composed of 5 staff members, is elected by MDTC staff through an election organised by the MDTC and subject to the endorsement of the Board of Directors after consultation with the CEO.

The Ethics Advisory Committee is elected for a period of one year and is eligible for re-election for a maximum of two further terms, which may or may not be consecutive.

The primary responsibility of the Ethics Advisory Committee is to inform about the MDTC Code of Conduct and to give confidential advice on ethical questions to staff members and other stakeholders who request it. In addition, the Ethics Advisory Committee shall, in relation to this Code, also:

1. Receive training on ethics at the beginning of their term,

2. Facilitate ethics training for staff with support from the Ethics Council, the Human Resources Department, and the Governance Team,

3. Receive complaints in confidence where a staff member or other stakeholders have reason to believe that a breach of the Code may have taken place, and give advice to persons concerned,

4. Inform all persons concerned about any outcomes reached,

5. Report where appropriate to the Managing Director about concerns raised and outcomes reached, but without disclosing the identity of those making confidential reports,

6. Maintain the registration file for gifts and make this accessible within MDTC,

7. Ensure that the impact of the Code is evaluated on an annual basis,

8. Collect suggestions for amendments to the Code and discuss them with all stakeholders, and

9. Present an annual report to MDTC staff and the Board through the Board Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Advisory Committee will not deal with cases involving personnel issues, which have no ethical implications.

4. MDTC Ethics Council

The Ethics Council is composed of three members. One member is from the MDTC staff, the second from the management committee, while the third is from the board of directors. Members of the Ethics Council are elected for a period of two years and are eligible for re-election for a maximum of one further term. In relation to this Code, the Ethics Council shall:

1. Receive ethics training at the beginning of their term,

2. Assist the Ethics Advisory Committee in keeping the effectiveness of the Code under review,

3. Assist the Ethics Advisory Committee in facilitating training and other ethics-related activities,

4. Maintain a dialogue and convene at least twice a year with the Ethics Advisory Committee to review the work of the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Ethics Council, and

5. Address issues or claims raised by the Ethics Advisory Committee, MDTC staff, or other stakeholders. To this end:

i. The Ethics Advisory Committee may request that an issue or claim be addressed by the MDTC Ethics Council. In meetings of the Ethics Council, the Ethics Advisory Committee will not disclose the identity of any person who has made a confidential report.

ii. If a staff member or other stakeholder feels it inappropriate to raise the issue with the Ethics Advisory Committee first, or if the response from the Ethics Advisory Committee is not considered to be satisfactory, they may request an issue to be addressed in a meeting of the MDTC Ethics Council.

iii. If considering a specific case, the Ethics Council shall agree on a third member on a case-by-case basis, which shall be drawn from MDTC staff. Decisions are made by majority vote.

iv. Upon such request, the Ethics Council shall be convened promptly, review the issues raised and claims made, and discuss these matters with the persons involved, except for persons having made an anonymous report. In such discussions, the Ethics Advisory Committee will maintain the confidentiality of any previous discussions held on a confidential basis unless the persons involved waive confidentiality.

v. The Ethics Council shall reach a conclusion and make a written recommendation to all persons involved and, as appropriate, to the MDTC Works Council, MDTC staff, the Managing Director, the Chair of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors.

vi. If a Council member is themselves involved in a suspected violation of the Code, they shall not be involved in the review of the case. A replacement will be co-opted by the remaining members, maintaining the balance between Director and non-Director level staff.

The Ethics Council will not deal with cases involving personnel issues, which have no ethical implications.

5. Shareholders

1. SHAREHOLDER RELATIONSHIP: The directors, management, staff, and volunteers of the organisation shall not exploit any relationship with a shareholder or prospective shareholder for personal benefit or the benefit of any relative, friend, associate, colleague, and so forth.

2. CONFIDENTIALITY: Privileged or confidential information regarding the shareholder or shares must not be disclosed to unauthorised parties.

3. SHAREHOLDER’S PRIVACY: A shareholder’s privacy shall be respected and the MDTC must safeguard any confidential information regarding the shareholder or the share.

4. PRIVACY POLICY: The organisation shall have a clear and easily accessible privacy policy that informs the public what information is being collected on individuals and shareholders, how that information will be used, how to contact the organisation to review personal information collected and to request corrections, how to inform the MDTC that the individual does not wish his or her personal information to be shared outside the MDTC, and what security measures are in place to protect personal information.

6. Human Resources

Responsibilities of the MDTC
1. CAPABLE AND RESPONSIBLE STAFF: The organisation shall seek capable and responsible employees and volunteers (collectively, “staff”), who are committed to the mission of the organisation.

2. TRAINING AND WORKING CONDITIONS: The organisation shall provide proper training and orientation for new staff, and provide them with suitable working conditions.

3. WRITTEN HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES: It is to have written human resource policies (or an employment manual) for its staff, including basic aspects of employment (benefits, vacation days, sick leave, etc.), and other fundamental policies such as confidentiality of information, computer policies (use of computer resources for personal work, ownership of computer resources), drug and alcohol policy, conflict of interest, and grievance procedures.

4. STAFF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: The organisation shall provide opportunities for individual growth and staff development, and foster an atmosphere whereby supervisors encourage personal growth of staff.

5. FAIRNESS AND RIGHTS: All staff shall be treated with fairness and equity, and as individuals with rights to be honoured and defended. Their rights to freedom of association, conscience and expression must be respected and protected.

6. CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT: Each staff member shall be provided with the MDTC’s code of ethics and/or conduct and any written human resource policies.

7. COMMUNICATION OF SERIOUS CONCERNS: Key staff shall be enabled to communicate serious concerns to a member of the governing board or officer.

8. STANDARDS AND RESPONSIBILITY: Staff shall be encouraged and guided in maintaining the highest standards of professional and personal conduct, and in taking personal and professional responsibility for their actions and decisions.

9. CONFIDENTIALITY: Guidance shall be provided for staff with access to official documentation or information regarding maintenance of the integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of such information to protect any individual concerned.

B. Conflicts of Interest
  1. WRITTEN POLICY: The governing body shall provide staff members who have decision-making power with a written statement on how they shall handle potential conflicts of interest. Ideally, this statement will be signed by each individual at the commencement of their service with the MDTC and periodically thereafter.
  2. DISCLOSURE: Each officer shall disclose any institutional affiliation that he or she has that might possibly involve a conflict of interest.
  3. GIFTS: The MDTC shall establish a policy regarding gifts to staff members, such as requiring that staff refuse all significant gifts connected with their position, or turn them over to the organisation.
  4. USING POSITION FOR PERSONAL BENEFIT: Staff members shall refrain from using their official position, whether regular or volunteer, to secure special privileges, gain, or benefit for themselves.
  5. LOANS: If the organisation has provisions for making loans to staff, there is to be a policy describing how the loans operate, and all loans shall be disclosed to the governing body.
  6. BEST INTERESTS OF THE MDTC: Employees and staff should prioritise organisational goals over personal goals, putting the best interests of the entire programme ahead of individual desires.


7. Public Trust
  1. ACCURACY AND TIMELINESS: Information provided about the organisation to shareholders, members, clients, staff, and the general public shall be accurate and timely.
  2. ANNUAL REPORT: At least annually, the organisation shall prepare and make available to the public information on its programmes and services, and provide public access to appropriate records of those programmes and services.
  3. CONFIDENTIALITY: The organisation shall maintain the confidentiality of personal information on staff, clients, and others, unless the individuals waive this right, or disclosure is required by law.
  4. COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL: The organisation shall provide a communication channel for the public should they wish to make inquiries regarding the MDTC and its activities.
  5. DISCLOSURE: The MDTC shall assign at least one person to ensure that the organisation is complying with national and local laws regarding the disclosure of information to the public.
B. Public advocacy
  1. ACCURACY AND IN CONTEXT: Information that the organisation chooses to disseminate to the media, policymakers, or the public must be accurate and presented with proper context. This includes information presented by the MDTC with respect to any legislation, policy, individual, organisation, or project it opposes, supports, or is discussing. Forward-looking projections are to be presented clearly as such, and not as fact.
  2. VERBAL AND WRITTEN STATEMENTS: The organisation shall have clear guidelines and approval processes for the issuing of verbal and written statements.
  3. DISCLOSURE OF BIAS: The organisation shall present information in a fair and unbiased manner. Where a possible bias is unavoidable or inherent, it is to be disclosed.


8. Partnership

A. General Principles of Partnerships and Collaboration

1. MISSION CONSISTENCY. The organisation shall collaborate with other entities only if the relationship is consistent with the mission of the MDTC.

2. SHARED VALUES. The organisation shall collaborate on the basis of shared values, common ground, and for the good of society.

3. MUTUAL BENEFIT. The MDTC shall collaborate on the basis of equitable and genuine mutual benefit to each organisation.

4. TRANSPARENCY. MDTC collaboration shall allow financial transparency and a two-way flow of information, ideas, and experiences.

5. ADAPTIVE TO CHANGE. Collaborations are to be adaptive to change. Changes in the relationship are to be developed through cooperation, and not forced by one or the other organisation.

B. Relations with NGO’s

1. SUPPORT FOR NGOs. The MDTC shall express solidarity with campaigns and actions of NGOs, and promote the effectiveness and success of NGOs, when it does not compromise the integrity or values of the MDTC.

2. NETWORKING. The organisation shall network with other ethical NGOs as a means for promoting the growth, effectiveness, and efficiency of the NGO sector and the ability to advance the public good.

C. Relations with Gov.

1. MDTC OBJECTIVES AND INDEPENDENCE. The organisation shall enter into a partnership agreement with a government or intergovernmental body only when it is beneficial to the achievement of the MDTC’s objectives and does not compromise the independence or self-control of the organisation.

2. APPROPRIATE AND MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL. The organisation shall seek to dialogue and cooperate with government and intergovernmental agencies when such cooperation would be both appropriate and mutually beneficial and could increase the MDTC’s effectiveness in dealing with issues and priorities in its agenda.

3. MISSION-LED. The organisation shall not enter into a partnership with a governmental or intergovernmental body solely to promote the sustainability or competitive advantage of the MDTC independent of achieving its mission objectives.

4. POLITICAL FAVOUR. The organisation shall not change its policies or non-partisan nature in order to curry political favour.

D. Private Corporations

1. MISSION-LED. The organisation shall not enter into collaboration with a for-profit corporation if motivated by financial reasons that are independent of achieving its mission and objectives.

2. PRIVATE OBJECTIVES AND INDEPENDENCE. The organisation shall enter into collaboration with a for-profit corporation only when it is beneficial to the achievement of the MDTC’s objectives and does not compromise the independence or self-control of the organisation.

9. Amendments

- Review of the Code: The Code shall be reviewed regularly. Amendments to the Code or constitution shall be discussed with all stakeholders. Final changes must be agreed upon by MDTC Management and the MDTC Works Council, and must be endorsed by the MDTC Board of Directors.

- Proposals for Amendments: Proposals for amendments to this constitution or dissolution must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary, in conjunction with all other officers, shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice.

- Approval of Changes: Any changes to this governing policy must be agreed upon by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.

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